Limitation to simple transport solutions such as “light” monorails and cableways
Privately financed transport projects are often transport applications for so-called megaprojects, where the application criteria are often widely spread, and the variety of technologies is correspondingly high.
Specifically, this involves transportation systems such as monorails, Automated People Movers (APM), Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) or cableways for business districts, universities, exhibitions, theme parks, zoos, hotel resorts, casino complexes and shopping malls.
For smaller project areas with short track lengths of 500 to 3,000 m and capacities of up to 3,000 pphpd, usually shuttle buses are used or, occasionally, simple elevated shuttle systems are installed. Often “light” monorails, cable-propelled APMs, or cableways are used for such low capacity requirements. For larger areas, network solutions, mainly using buses, and in rare cases tram or Personal Rapid Tranist (PRT), are considered.
Transportation solutions for megaprojects are usually characterized by a high cost sensitivity, since passenger transportation is usually not the highest priority for project developers. The technical requirements for the means of transport are usually rather modest, in many cases they have only sightseeing character. Project handling is usually limited to the essentials. Especially in the case of temporary events (e.g. exhibitions), transport systems are only needed temporarily and are dismantled afterwards. Especially in such cases, simple and interoperable local transport solutions such as cableways with attractive financing models represent a feasible option.