Graz-Reininghaus Cable Car vs. Tram | Feasibility Study
Holding Graz Kommunale Dienstleistungen GmbH
2013 – 2014
Mono-cable Gondola Detachable (MGD), Tram
Project description
The Reininghaus district in the southwest of Graz is being developed. The urban development area covers an area of about 50 hectares. In the final expansion stage 20.000 people shall populate it. Great importance is given on green living environments and energy optimization. The connection of the district to the public transportation network using smart and modern transport solutions shall be an integral part of the infrastructure project. Consequently, the use of green and efficient means of public transport such as the cable car or tram shall be investigated as part of this variant study.
The multi-criteria analysis for the different local transport variants resulted in the recommendation to extend the existing tram line 4 within the Reininghaus area.
Service description
The following work was performed as part of the feasibility study:
- Passenger potential analysis and capacity design
- Examination of various track alignments and station locations for tram and cable car systems
- Connection variants to the existing public transport network
- Evaluation of possible combinations of tram and cable car systems
- System calculation and design for the different options
- Conceptual designs for stations, guideway, towers, cabins and rolling stock
- Life cycle cost calculations
- Value-benefit analysis and evaluation of the different options
- Development of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) finance models
- Economic feasibility calculations using the Net Present Value (NPV) method
- Evaluation of expansion options for the various transportation systems
- Recommendation and action guide